1 Corinthians 2:1-5 I just want to share some thought with you that I had on these 5 verses. If you would, just take a few moments and read these 5 verses in your Bible please.
Okay. As I was reading these 5 verses I couldn't help but to go back to verse 4. The B part of the verse which says: But in the demonstration of Spirit and Power. Spirit and Power.???
I'm thinking that there are many thousands of people from all over our country and even the world looking for demonstrations of the Holy Spirit. Traveling miles upon miles from one place to another in hopes of witnessing manifestations/demonstrations of power from the Holy Spirit. Going to all the revivals they can go to just serching.
Now I believe in the Holy Spirit and the gifts of his presence. In fact I pray all the time that people would come running up to the altar to fall on their faces convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit. Looking for that demonstration of the Spirits power! I just want so bad to see the manifestation of God. The movement of the Holy Spirit! Many people want to see these things. And if they don't,they start to think what's the purpose of all this??? All the praying, trips to church and worshiping God etc.
Here's a question for you. If the Holy Spirit spoke out to you. Asked you what you wanted from Him, what would you say? After much thought on the question myself, I decided that I would just say I want to be satisfied with His presence every time I needed Him. Really knowing that He's here or there with me.
But as I study 1 & 2 Corinthians and I read what Paul is saying about Spirit and Power, I say where is it? Describe it to me! Where in 1 & 2 Corinthians do you find any physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit? And I struggle to understand what's on the mind of Paul/GOD. When I go searching through Paul's preachings I find words that to the secular mind is foolishness. They describe his preaching as foolish!
Hey! With Paul you don't find any charisma. In fact it is said that Paul was a long winded preacher. In Acts 20:7-9 it is written that he preached mid-night on one occassion. Paul preached so long that one man fell dead. Now I would not call that a demonstration of the Holy Spirit!!! Paul admits that he comes to them in fear and trembling. He's not standing there acting. Paul really has no assurance of himself. BUT!!! He comes in fear and trembling. The Bible says that Pauls physical presents was weak. He even said, they say of me that my bodily presents is weak and my speech is contemptable. So in other words, Pauls saying that people don't think he's a very good preacher. It's also said that Paul wasn't a very handsome man.
Now take all the sermons that Paul has preached, set them aside and look at what he has become.Paul has become the message!!
In 1Corinthians 2:10 Paul is saying , Say what you want about me.Say I'm not worth listening to. That I don't have any charisma. But!! Paul says I want you to take a look at me. He says I want you to see a demonstration of Power and the work of the Holy Spirit! Look at how God can take someone without any charisma, without a commanding voice. A man that has givin up everything. Who's apperance and speech is contemptable. Paul says that God has touched his LIFE!! I come to you without enticing words. BUT! I can assure you that what I say has AUTHORITY!! Listen, Paul says listen to me, you can follow my life. Follow me if you will.
Now Paul is not speaking out of pride. Because he knows who he is in CHRIST! Paul knows where his ministry has come from. He knows that GOD has given him his methods and the ways he should preach. God did it!! Paul said that Christ hadn't revealed himself to me, BUT IN ME. And I know who I am in Christ. I was alone in the dessert for 3 years with God. Paul had a heart that was totally tuned into God.
So knowing what we know now about Paul, I say this: Stop calling upon the Lord for physical manifestations,demonstrations!!!But call upon HIM to have a SPIRITUAL PRESENCE in your mind,heart and soul. Allow the Lord to guide you with what HE has givin you already. Do this and you WILL feel the power of the HOLY SPIRIT working through you. What you do with that ------- is a physical presence from GOD! Demonstrations of the Spirit and Power?
Well that's you, and that's me and how we reflect our Faith to the father in front of the world.
Just like Paul had done.
W4J "Warrior 4 Jesus"
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